Consider Yourself ‘Wool-In’!

I’m sorry about the corniness of today’s post title, but I just couldn’t resist it. After rehearsing ‘Consider Yourself’ with Shelby’s Singers (our local community choir) last Wednesday, and nowContinueContinue reading “Consider Yourself ‘Wool-In’!”


The past few weeks have been a patchwork of working really hard and relaxing in different places. Part of my set-up practice for Popup Wool Show shows the different colourContinueContinue reading “Holiday”

Good with my Hands

Somehow, despite being away from home for three days during the past week, I have managed to do quite a lot of knitting! I’ve finished two projects, started another andContinueContinue reading “Good with my Hands”

Three Shelves Full

Just a short one today, though lots has happened in the week (and I did manage to avoid falling over again!). Doris’ fleece is now clean and drying. I postedContinueContinue reading “Three Shelves Full”